One of the greatest differentiators between high and low performing organisations is the quality of the conversations between their people.
Some of the world’s leading organisations are waking up to the need to devote time and effort to having powerful, positive conversations to drive up engagement, commitment, and performance. And they’re starting with performance appraisals and day to day manager coaching conversations.
A culture of openness and honesty brings positive outcomes and business success.
Strengthscope® provides a clear picture of each employee’s strengths and risks at work, across 24 performance-related strengths.
This analysis forms the basis for a series of engaging, employee-centred conversations, accelerating a culture of acceptance and empowerment for everyone in your organisation and increasing performance levels as a result.
We will work with you to develop a structure for each strengths-based conversation you want to introduce for your people. Each employee’s Strengthscope® profile then slots into a tailored conversation guide, providing straightforward guidance for conversations that maximise each person’s contribution.
Awaken the extraordinary. Give your people an opportunity to experience and benefit from high-impact conversations.
Get started with Strengthscope®. Our core tool to identify those strengths to start making an impact not only in communication but overall performance at work.
View Strengthscope®Effective communications are vital to enable high-performing teams. We recommend StrengthscopeTeam™. It’s a powerful tool to find a team’s strengths and gaps/risks. It will maximise performance and effective collaboration.
View StrengthscopeTeam™You’ll discover what is needed to help overcome any roadblocks in your organisation. We’re always happy to help!
"Strengthscope really plays a big part in the culture of the business and how we operate."
"Team morale is much improved, resulting in very significant improvement in long term global employee survey scores, including a 46% increase in the employee engagement score."
"I can see now how my strengths can make a difference, not just today, but for years to come."
"The assessment centre allowed the candidates to express themselves and show their qualities"
"The Strengthscope® tools are the ideal offering for us here at Channel 4 to support our individuals and teams go from good to great."
"Understanding how others see your strengths, especially when they are in overdrive, is useful too. The knowledge the programme gives you about strengths enables you to influence decisions and behaviour and gives you confidence that you can grow your role and progress through the organisation."
"Strengthscope® changed my life"
“Many thanks for a great two-day course. It was so well designed and you two worked seamlessly together. Great to meet a wide range of people and get to work with them in break out rooms on exercises. I think Strengthscope has a very good approach to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.”
“Focusing on strengths during appraisal discussions has a significant impact on employee performance, improving performance by over 36% on average.”
“Simply put, Strengthscope® is a great tool for self-development.”
“Strengthscope® raised our awareness of how we were behaving as a group, who had which strengths, and who we should be listening to at certain times when the group strength took over. this enabled us to see things differently and therefore solve problems better.”