Case Study


Strengthening leadership and a positive, high performance culture at PhotoBox



Europe’s leading online photo service wanted to engage employees in delivering an innovative agenda by helping people at all levels to play to their strengths.

The goal was to strengthen people manager effectiveness and employee engagement at PhotoBox, helping to deliver a positive culture characterized by strengths-building, collaboration and a strong solutions-focus.

Our solution

Around 50 managers participated in a series of management development workshops over a four-month period. The objectives of the modules were to improve people management skills; develop high-performing teams, and support personal development and strengths building.

To embed learning, peer coaching groups were set up, comprising a mix of delegates from different functions, who met on a regular basis.

Delegates were also required to work on a “personal business project”, an action-learning project designed to unlock ideas and strengths to improve leaders’ contribution to the company’s goals and vision. The program culminated in a friendly Dragon’s Den which provided an opportunity for managers to present their business ideas and to share learning.


  • Several of the business ideas put forward by  managers as a result of the program were adopted by the company, one leading to an estimated £250k financial saving
  • By focusing on individual strengths and developing solutions-focused, inspirational leadership skills, PhotoBox has created a more positive and energizing work culture
  • Of the managers attending the program, over 90% felt a high level of confidence that the program would improve their effectiveness as a manager within PhotoBox



Adopting a strengths-based approach has provided a lens to what we’re good at, as individuals, as teams, as a business. It’s helped us to recognize and promote PhotoBox at our best.

Senior Manager, PhotoBox