Strengthscope® and Values in Action (VIA): Which One Should You Use? And When Do They Work Best Together?

The Values in Action (VIA) inventory is one of the best researched and most widely published positive psychology-based measures available.  Based on our experience of working with psychometric assessments practitioners, and using various psychometrics ourselves, we take a view that VIA is highly effective at describing users’ values. Many of the character strengths described by VIA (such as fairness, gratitude, humility, spirituality and more) use the language that is often used to describe people’s underlying values.  

This article explores when to use Strengthscope®, when to use VIA, and how combining them can provide deeper insights into personal growth and workplace performance.  

What is Values in Action (VIA)? 

The Values in Action (VIA) inventory is a well-researched positive psychology assessment that identifies 24 character strengths. It is based on the ancient Roman and Greek ideals of virtue and comes from the work of Chris Peterson and Martin Seligman, originally published in their book, ‘Character Strengths and Virtues’ in 2004.   

The VIA strengths are grouped into six broad classes or virtues: 

  • Wisdom (e.g., curiosity, love of learning) 
  • Courage (e.g., bravery, perseverance) 
  • Humanity (e.g., kindness, love) 
  • Justice (e.g., fairness, leadership) 
  • Temperance (e.g., humility, self-regulation) 
  • Transcendence (e.g., gratitude, spirituality) 

The authors’ research shows that the virtues and strengths are generally relevant across most, if not, all world cultures.  

When to Use VIA 

VIA is widely used in coaching and self-development contexts, particularly for individuals seeking a deeper understanding of their values and how they can lead fulfilling lives. 

  • If an individual is exploring their personal values and how they influence their life choices. 
  • If a coaching conversation is focused on personal growth beyond the workplace. 
  • If you want to help individuals develop character-based leadership skills. 
  • If you’re working in a life coaching context where values and meaning are central. 

Potential Limitations of VIA 

  • The language used in VIA reports may not always feel applicable to a corporate setting. 
  • It is not a British Psychological Society (BPS)-registered test. 
  • VIA does not provide a direct link between values and workplace performance. 


What is Strengthscope®? 

Strengthscope® is a strengths-based assessment that identifies the work-related strengths that energise individuals and help them perform at their best. It is the only strengths assessment with BPS-registered test status, meaning it is scientifically validated and free from bias. 

Unlike VIA, which focuses on character strengths and values, Strengthscope® provides a practical framework for improving performance, engagement, and resilience in the workplace. 

When to Use Strengthscope® 

  • If you want to understand what energises individuals and teams at work. 
  • If you are developing leadership and team effectiveness. 
  • If you want to identify overdrive risks (when strengths become counterproductive under pressure). 
  • If you need a validated assessment with a proven link to workplace performance. 

Potential Limitations of Strengthscope® 

  • It requires deeper reflection and engagement compared to type-based assessments. 
  • Individuals completely new to strengths-based development may need an introduction to the framework first. 


When to Use Strengthscope® and VIA Together 

While Strengthscope® and VIA don’t necessarily appear to make a lot of sense as partner instruments, because on the face of it, both measure strengths, they can be used really effectively together in certain contexts.  

Although both assessments measure strengths, they do so from different angles. VIA explores intrinsic values and virtues, while Strengthscope® identifies strengths that contribute to high performance at work. Used together, these tools offer a comprehensive view of an individual’s inner motivations and how they can translate into workplace success. 

When working with clients who are keen to explore their values (using VIA) and how those values can play out at a more visible, energetic and behavioural level (with Strengthscope®), using these tools in combination makes perfect sense and we’re aware of practitioners doing exactly that.  

Indeed, our view of strengths is that they are typically underpinned by values, so being able to make connections between a Strengthscope® strength and the VIA value or values that may be driving it can be illuminating. 

There is also enough difference between the two tools (Strengthscope® being based on performance-related strengths, VIA based on the idea of ‘virtues’ and living a ‘good life’) to make the use of both interesting and helpful for users – they may be more drawn to the language and  ideas of one more than the other and both conversations are useful to have. 


Top 3 tips for choosing VIA or Strengthscope® or a blended approach 

If you are making a choice as to when to use Strengthscope® or VIA, or both, here are our thoughts: 

  1. When working with an individual who is keen to understand more about their values, what they value in themselves and others and how they can lead a fulfilling life, VIA is recommended. 
  2. If you’re working with an individual or a group or team that is seeking to understand what energises, drives and motivates them, and how they can make their strongest contribution at work, Strengthscope® is recommended. 
  3. If you’re working with an individual who wants to shine a light on both their values and their strengths, including what value might be underlying a strength at work, and behaviours, using VIA and Strengthscope® together is a valuable combination.  


Final Thoughts: Which One Should You Choose? 

Ultimately, VIA provides a foundational understanding of what a person values, while Strengthscope® translates that understanding into actionable workplace strengths. 

If you’re working with individuals seeking purpose and meaning in life, VIA is an excellent tool. If you want to improve workplace performance and engagement, Strengthscope® is the better choice. And if you want a holistic approach that explores both values and strengths, using them together can provide a richer and more practical development journey. 

Interested in learning how Strengthscope® can complement VIA in your coaching or organisational development work? Get in touch with us today! Contact us 

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